Fall Security Tips to Keep You Secure

Now that fall is here, the days are getting shorter, the temperatures are getting cooler, and the leaves are starting to change colour. Fall is a time for getting back into the swing of things following summer and a key time for completing tasks that you put off due to vacations and relaxing in the sun. This includes security tips. It’s a great idea to use this time to get ready for the upcoming winter.

Here are a few fall security tips and safety tips that will keep you safe and secure all season:

Important Fall Security Tips

Service your heating and cooling systems

fall security tips You’ve probably spent all summer running the air conditioning, and you’ll soon be switching on the heat. Take advantage of the fall weather to get your heating and cooling systems serviced and inspected. Make sure there are no electrical problems, cracked pipes or clogged filters. This is one of the most important fell security tips as damaged systems can cause serious problems including fires.

Remember to check your smoke detectors when you “fall behind”

You roll your clocks backwards on November 1st this year. When you do, remember to check your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors to make sure they’re working correctly. Doing so could save your life. This is another one of the security tips that you should never forget. You may even want to take this opportunity to upgrade your system to a monitored system for even greater security.

Improve your lighting

Criminals like to take advantage of the darkness to commit crimes. During this time of year, the days are shorter and the nights are longer. This means that there’s more darkness for criminals to work with. Combat this by following theses fall security tips and installing motion-activated lighting on your property.

Clean up your yard

Rake leaves, clean gutters and perform maintenance on your property before the winter arrives. You may not think of these actions as security tips, but doing so will keep your home safer and reduce the risk of floods, clogged drains and other issues.

Stock up on emergency supplies for winter

Make sure you have shovels, ice melting material (such as salt) and ice scrapers on home and in the car. It’s better to get them now before you need them than to be stranded without them during the first winter storm.

By being proactive, following these fall security tips and taking some precautions, you can be sure to have a safe, happy and secure fall.

To help improve fall security, SafeTech is offering a free risk assessment to help improve security at your home. If you have any questions about fall safety or security tips, please do not hesitate to contact one of our loss prevention professionals today.