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Security Articles

Monitored Alarm Systems: Staying Safe When You’re On Vacation
monitored alarm systems When you’re on vacation, you don’t want to think about potential troubles back at home. You want to clear your mind and enjoy yourself, not fret about home security. If you take some precautions before you leave for your trip, you won’t need to worry. Your home will be safe and you’ll be able to relax.

Empty homes are targets for criminals. It’s unfortunate, but it’s true. If your home is empty for a significant amount of time during your vacation, it’s even more tempting. Criminals feel that they’ll have the opportunity to rob your home and leave the scene of the crime without being noticed. Since no one is home, it could be several days or even weeks before the burglary is noticed.

Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself and your home.

Monitored Alarm Systems Ensure Your Property

Monitored alarm systems are the best way to ensure that your property is safe while you are on vacation. With a monitored alarm systems, someone will always be watching your house, even if you’re thousands of miles away. In the event of a break-in or robbery attempt, the 24-hour monitoring station that handles your monitored alarm system will immediately be notified. They will investigate the situation and send the appropriate authorities to your home right away.

If you have security cameras in your home as part of your monitored security system, the monitoring station will be able to watch these cameras if an alarm sounds. That will give them all of the information they need when dispatching the authorities. In fact, if you have your security cameras connected to the Internet, you will be able to watch your cameras yourself during your vacation. All you need is an Internet connect and an Internet-enabled device, such as a laptop. You can even watch your home security cameras with your cell phone!

Technology can be very helpful when you’re trying to keep your home safe from burglars. From Internet-enabled security cameras to 24-hour monitoring stations and monitored alarm systems, there is a lot that you can do with technology to protect yourself. However, it is also important to mention ways in which you should NOT use technology if you want to protect yourself.

It’s very tempting to write “I’m going out of the country for two weeks with no access to my phone!” on Twitter, Facebook and in your email signature. However, even with privacy settings, there is really no way to know who will read that message. Unfortunately, a criminal could read something like that and decide to find out where your home is. On the Internet, it’s relatively easy to find out a great deal of information about someone. A simple Facebook message or out of office reply can tempt criminals. Don’t write about your vacation details online until after you get back.

If you really need to let me know that you won’t be answering phone calls and emails for the next little while, just say that you’re “unavailable.”

Monitored Alarm Systems Protect Home Safety

Monitored alarm systems can certainly protect your home while you’re away, but putting some effort into protecting yourself can help as well.

You’ll want to ensure that you stop your mail delivery while you are gone, or that you have a trusted neighbour or relative pick up your mail for you. A large collection of mail sitting in your mailbox is a definite sign that you are away for an extended period of time. The same goes for snow. If you’re taking a vacation during the winter, be sure to make arrangements for someone to shovel your snow while you’re gone.

It’s also important that you make your home look occupied, even when it isn’t. If it’s possible, you should park your car in the driveway to make it look like someone is home. You’ll also want to set the lights in your home up on a timer and make sure that timer varies from day-to-day if possible. The more realistic it looks, the better the chances of a criminal avoiding your home.

Taking a few steps before you leave and having your home protected by security cameras and a 24-hour monitored alarm systems will ensure that you return to the same safe, secure and stable home that you left before your vacation. Trust a monitored alarm system to watch your home when you can’t.
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Home Alarm System Tips
home alarm system tips There are a number of benefits to have a home alarm system. In fact, every home should have one. Without properly protecting your home with a security system, you leave yourself vulnerable to burglars, robbers and other criminals. However, not all home alarm systems are created equal. When you’re looking at different options, there are a number of factors to consider. Here are some home alarm system tips.

First, take a look at your home and take note of all of the areas you would like to protect. Remember, criminals will use any entry point to gain access to your home, not just the front door. You’ll want to take note of how many doors, windows and other possible entry points that your home has. Don’t forget the garage and the smaller windows in your basement!

Once you understand how many entrances need to be protected, you’ll want to figure out the level of protect you require. You can get sensors that will set off an alarm if a door or window is opened while the home alarm system is activated. You may also be interested in motion detectors as well.

In addition to audible alarms and motion detectors, you will also want to consider the other forms of home security available to you. Surveillance cameras, motion-activated lighting, window bars and gates and other options will improve the quality and effectiveness of your home security system. Consider these home alarm system tips.

Home Alarm System Tips – Wired vs. Wireless

Whether you decide to install a wired home alarm system or a wireless alarm system will depend on the nature of your home. If you have an older home, a wired system will be very difficult to install. In this situation you will likely want a wireless home alarm system. If you are building a new home or planning on doing extensive renovations, you may want to install a wired alarm system.

Home Alarm System Monitoring

One of the most effective ways to keep your home secure is by having your home security system monitored. With a monitored home security system, you will have a 24 hour monitoring station watching your home at all times. If an alarm sounds or if a motion detector is activated, the alarm monitoring station will immediately respond to verify the alarm. They will then dispatch the appropriate authorities to your home. Home alarm system monitoring only costs a low monthly fee and it greatly increases your security and your piece of mind.

Before deciding on a home alarm system or home security system, you may wish to undergo a Free Risk Assessment which will give you some added information about the safety and security of your home. Hopefully, these home alarm system tips will help you choosing the right one.
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Cottage Security is Important

Cottage Security & Relax Life

cottage security Cottages are usually a great place to relax, enjoy yourself and get away from your troubles. Unfortunately, it’s not possible to leave all of your worries behind. There is still crime in cottage country as burglars and thieves take advantage of the more relaxed atmosphere to attack unprepared cottages. Be aware of cottage security

Steps For Increasing The Cottage Security

Alarm systems and other security services are incredibly important for the cottage security. The first step in cottage security is the same as security at home. It begins with locking your doors and windows. This sounds like a very basic step, but it is one that many people forget.

You need to make sure that you lock your doors and windows every time, even if you’re just stepping out for a moment or two. Often criminals will stake out a location for a long time in order to spot when it is vacant. They can strike your cottage very quickly and burglarize your property before you even notice it.

It’s also important to note that not all locks are created equal. All doors that face the outside world should be securely locked with a dead bolt. Dead bolts are by far the best way to lock your door as they provide the most resistance to criminals.

It’s also important to have a strong door with strong hinges. A metal or steel door with a metal frame is strongly recommended. Wooden doors and door frames can be easily broken or damaged by criminals.

Another important aspect of cottage security is the windows. Again, these should be solid windows that lock and you need to ensure that the frames cannot be easily damaged. Many cottages are older and you may want to install new windows to increase cottage security.

Of course, another key component of cottage security is your cottage alarm system. Much like home alarm systems and commercial alarm systems, cottage alarm systems are vital to protecting your property. You need to ensure that all areas of your cottage are protecting. Installing motion detectors and security cameras in addition to a standard alarm system is certainly a good step to take and doing so is highly recommended.

Be Aware of Cottage Security

Remember that just because the cottage is your place to get away, that doesn’t mean that criminals will not want to break into it. You likely have televisions, computers and other electronics as well as many other valuables inside your cottage. Security is paramount to protect these items. Cottage alarm systems and other cottage security services are incredibly important. The peace of mind that they provide will allow you to enjoy your time at the cottage without worry.
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Using Security Cameras In Parking Garages

Using Security Cameras in Parking Lots & Garages

using security cameras Parking garages and parking lots require a lot of security cameras. Unfortunately, due to the vast number of people and cars in the garage and the fact that people can easily hide between cars, there is a great deal of crime and vandalism in parking lots of parking garages as well. This is especially true if they are not properly protected.

Using security cameras in parking garages is important to keep the area safe and secure. When you install surveillance cameras, you can keep track of everything that takes place and have a permanent recording of the action. Parking garages don’t have to be dangerous. If you properly install security measures (such as video surveillance cameras) you can keep your parking area safe.

Security Cameras Are Facing Potential Crimes

There are many different potential crimes that can take place in a parking garage. The first, and possibly the most obvious, is vehicle theft. By their very nature, parking garages are filled with unattended vehicles. There usually aren’t very many people in the parking garage at any given time and the area is quite large. This makes it a very tempting setting for car thieves.

It can get very costly and time-consuming if you hope to cover your parking garage with attendants and security guards. It’s almost impossible to watch all areas of a parking lot in person. This is where parking garage security cameras come in handy.

While a person can only see so much and he or she can only possibly be in one place at a time, security cameras can be installed to cover the entire area of a parking lot or a parking garage.

Using security cameras does not have to have the limitations that people do. When properly installed, they can provide uncompromised access to every area of the parking complex in an effective, affordable and reliable manner.

Remember, vehicle theft is not the only crime that could take place inside a parking complex. Criminals often use the cover of automobiles or other obstructions to hide in the garage and wait for their victims. Robbery, assault, vandalism, kidnapping, rape and many other illegal activities could take place inside a parking garage.

The Benefits of Using Security Cameras

There are many benefits of using security cameras. Security cameras don’t give criminals anywhere to hide. If you install your surveillance cameras properly, you’ll be able to monitor everything that happens in the parking area and be aware of anyone who is trying to hide. You’ll also have powerful video evidence on hand if there ever is a criminal situation in your parking garage. Security cameras provide the police and any other authorities with proof of criminal activity.

You’ll also install a sense of trust when you have your parking garage protected by monitored video surveillance. Customers will feel much safer about parking in your location as they know that they will be protected from the dangerous criminal element.
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Home Security Facts – Pros & Cons

Home Security Facts to Keep You Safe

home security facts If you have a home security system you’re certainly making the right move toward keeping your family and your property safe. However, not all home security systems are created equal. Not only are there different levels of home security systems, but older home security systems may not have the same security features as newer ones. There are many home security facts to consider.

Periodically Check The Home Security Systems

In order to ensure that your home receives the best possible home security and protection, you will want to take a look at your home security system periodically and determine if it still meets your needs. If you you haven’t taken the time to check out your home security system and discover what weaknesses it may have, that’s something you should do immediately. These are not all the home security facts

Criminals are becoming more and more skilled at determining weaknesses in security systems. Often, criminals will scout an area or a particular home for days at a time. Not only will they do so to catch the routines of those who live there, but they will also spend time analyzing the security coverage of homes they hope to strike.

If a criminal is willing to spend the time needed to inspect your home security system, you have to be willing to do the same. Staying a step ahead of criminals is necessary to prevent break-ins, robberies and theft.

Several Weaknesses In Home Security Systems

There are several common weaknesses in home security systems that you should be certain to watch out for.

The Second Floor

Most people install window contacts, monitoring home security systems and security cameras on the first floor of their house. However, criminals have realized this and they are now using the second floor as an entry point in more and more situations. If you do not have any home security features on your second floor, a criminal will be able to break in and have free reign of the second story of your home. It’s important to have home security services on each floor of your home. You should also consider having bars and/or gates on all windows and doors to prevent break-ins.

The Back and Side Doors

Much like you’ll need to secure the second floor of your house, you’ll also need to make sure that you back door and any side doors are well secured as well. Most people understand that they will need a strong deadbolt on their front door. But what about a rear sliding door? While you can’t secure these with a deadbolt, there are locks and bars that can prevent unauthorized entry. Ensure that your side doors are locked and protected by an alarm system as well.

Basement Windows

Basement windows are usually quite small, but they’re often large enough that a person can slide through them. Placing bars on basement windows will prevent break-ins. Be careful if you have a kitchen or any bedrooms in your basement, however. Sometimes a basement window can be the only way to escape a fire or other emergency situation. In these cases, you’ll want to have bars that can be easily removed from the inside, but ones that are difficult to remove from the outside.

Your Garage

A lot of people don’t think about securing their garages. However, in addition to your car, there are often many valuables in garages that could be the target of burglars. But that’s not all you have to worry about. There are often tools in your garage – such as hammers and saws and even ladders – that can be used to break in to other areas of your home. If you leave your garage unprotected, you’re supplying criminals with the means to attack your home. This is especially true if your garage features direct access to your home. You should always lock your garage securely and consider an alarm system.

The Surrounding Property

If your home is secluded, dark or otherwise difficult to see from the road, criminals will use that to their advantage. Not only will it make it easier for them to walk around your property and scout the area, but actually breaking in will be easier as well. Under the cover of darkness, no one will notice a burglar attempting to break into your window. Installing motion activated lights and security cameras are the perfect way to prevent this problem.

Take a moment and walk around your property. Try and think like a criminal for a few minutes. How would someone go about breaking into your home? If you can come up with any weaknesses, talk to your home security provider about fixing them right away. These home security facts can help you toward keeping you and your family safe.
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Home Alarm Tools Should be Taken Precautions

Home Alarm Tools

home alarm tools If you have a home alarm system,·you may feel that you no longer have to think about home security. You may even feel like your house is now invincible. Unfortunately, that’s not true. While home alarm system is an excellent way to protect your home, and while it drastically reduces the number of break-ins and robberies that occur, there are still a number of precautions that you need to take into account.

Home Alarm Tools and System: Understand the Limitations

The first precaution you need to take is understanding the limitations of your home alarm system and completely recognizing which areas of your home it actually protects. Most people have alarm system that protect their front door and their ground floor windows, but what about your back door or side doors? Are those protected by your home alarm system? If you have motion detectors on the main floor of your house, are you doing anything to protect the second floor? What about the basement? You should have sensors on all windows and doors as many burglars head to the second floor of a home when they try and break in.

Only when you truly take the time to analyze your home alarm tools, you will understand its strengths and recognize if there are any weaknesses.

The same holds true for other areas of your home. Is you garage protected? Criminals know that many people store expensive equipment and tools in their garages. You should ensure that your home alarm system protects this area. This is especially true if your garage features direct access to your house.

Completely understanding your home alarm system will help you protect your home and your family.

But that isn’t the only precaution you will need to take.

You’ll also need to protect yourself when you are outside your home. If there are large bushes or trees near your home, criminals can use those to hide. They can also use darkness. There are many documented cases where criminals hide on a property and attack the residents when they return home. Properly lightning your home can go a long way to keeping you safe.

Unfortunately, protecting your property with a strong home alarm tools and system that covers your entire home and lightning your property so that criminals cannot hide isn’t always enough to protect yourself and your family. Adding security cameras can certainly help, but you’ll still need to take a few personal precautions if you want to remain safe.

Home Alarm System: All the Safety Features Must be Actuviely Used

This may sound simple and obvious, but the main precaution you must take is that you must actively use all of the safety features that your home alarm system offers. Most people turn the home alarm tools on when they will be out of the house for a long time, but what about when you make a quick run to the store? A lot of people do not fully activate their home alarm system when they know they won’t be out of the house for long. Unfortunately, criminals will often scout homes in advance and track the patterns of the residents. If you leave for 15 minutes every afternoon to take your dog for a quick walk, a criminal may know this and take this opportunity to strike. Just because you don’t think you’ll be gone for long, it doesn’t mean you should leave your home vulnerable.

Besides, there are many times when a person thinks that he or she will only be gone for a few moments but they are instead gone for much longer. Whether you get stuck in traffic, run into an old friend at the store or have an emergency occur, you’ll never know when a quick trip can turn into an hour or more. In those cases you’ll be glad that you set your home alarm system. The same is true for locking your doors. A deadbolt is the best way to lock a door and you should make sure that you always lock your doors.

Even when you are at home, you can set the home alarm system to monitor the doors and windows while turning the interior motion sensors off. Again, it’s important to lock your doors as well, even when you are at home. Criminals can take advantage of unlocked doors during a home invasion attempt.
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Property Crime Statistics: The Top 20 Toronto Neighbourhoods
property crime statistics While Toronto is generally a safe city, crime does unfortunately occur. Property crime is one of the most common crimes and it can affect almost anyone at any time. Stay informed with these property crime statistics.

The Toronto Star recently published a list of property crime by area.

Property crime statistics

The top 20 Toronto neighbourhoods with the most property crime are:
  • Southwest Parkdale
  • Greenwood/Gerrard/railway
  • Steeles/Jane/Finch/Gosford
  • Overlea Blvd/Thorncliffe Park
  • Queen/Dundas/Spadina/Bathurst
  • Northwest of Victoria Park/Danforth
  • Lawrence/McCowan/Brimley/401
  • Winchester/Parliament/DVP/Bloor
  • Southwest of Lawrence/Markham Rd
  • Carlton/Dundas/Jarvis/Parliament
  • Bloor/Dovercourt/College/Brock
  • Albion/Kipling/Martin Grove/Mt Olive
  • Hampton/Danforth/Bain/Pape
  • Lake Shore/23rd St/lake/13th St
  • Winchester/Parliament/DVP/Gerrard
  • Queen/Dundas/Jarvis/Parliament
  • Sheppard/Highbury/Jane/401
  • Bloor/Roncesvalles/Sorauren/Wright
  • Finch/Bathurst/cemetery/Senlac
  • Danforth between Main and Woodbine
The crimes that were tracked in those statistics include: Breaking and entering, motor vehicle or bicycle theft, possession of stolen property, theft, shoplifting and mischief against property or causing property damage.

What these statistics show us is that, unfortunately, property crime take place in a variety of areas all across the city. It’s not confined to one neighbourhood and it’s not easy to determine a pattern between areas with a high level of property crime.

You need to protect yourself against property crime regardless of where you live in Toronto.

As per Toronto Star bellow are listed the high burglary rates:

Here are the top 20: 1 University 2 Bay Street Corridor 3 Kensington-Chinatown 4 Moss Park 5 Bridle Path-Sunnybrook-York Mills 6 East End-Danforth 7 Casa Loma 8 York University Heights 9 Annex 10 Church-Yonge Corridor 11 Waterfront Communities-The Island 12 Rosedale-Moore Park 13 Woodbine Corridor 14 Clairlea-Birchmount 15 West Humber-Clairville 16 South Riverdale 17 Little Portugal 18 Roncesvalles 19 The Beaches 20 Forest Hill South

Security cameras and appropriate home alarm systems and commercial alarm systems can go a long way to protecting your property and ensuring that you do not become a victim of property crime. Not only will these security systems deter criminals from attempting to break into or damage your property, but they will also make it easier for the authorities to catch and identify the criminals after the fact.

For more information on Toronto property crime statistics, please visit the Neighbourhood Crime Report section of this security blog.
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Learn Your Home Weak Points and Protect Them
protect home weak pointsIt’s not only important that you equip your home with a home security system, but it’s also important that you equip your home with the RIGHT home security system. What’s the right security system? That depends on your home.

Home Weak Points – What Kind of Security You Need

When you’re planning on getting a security system or a home alarm system, you’ll want to take some time to discover exactly what kind of security you need. A great way to do that is to look at your house with a critical eye and figure out its home weak points. Examine your entire property and look for areas that could be exploited by criminals.

The most common home weak points in a home are the windows and doors. Most people secure the front door and many people secure the main floor windows, but there are several other entrances that you should pay attention to as well. Second floor windows, back doors, sliding doors, basement windows and any other entry points are potential home weak points. A criminal could use any of these entrances to break in your home. You’ll want to make sure that every door is installed properly and locked with a deadbolt. You may want to place bars or gates on your windows and sliding doors. If you’re getting a home alarm system installed, make sure that all doors and windows are monitored.

Don’t forget about the garage door either. You likely have a number of valuables in your garage, including your car. Criminals will take advantage of an unlocked garage to rob you of whatever they can get their hands on.

You’ll also want to watch out for areas where criminals can hide. Trim back bushes around your home so that potential burglars cannot use them for cover. Install security lighting around your property to keep criminals in view. Use security cameras to track anyone who attempts to enter your home.

Your home security system is only as strong as its weakest point, so ensure that there are no home weak points. That will keep your home and your family safe and secure.
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