Carbon Monoxide Detectors Mandatory in Ontario Homes on April 15, 2015

In October 2014, the Ontario government passed a law making carbon monoxide detectors mandatory in all Ontario homes that are at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. The deadline to comply with this law is April 15, 2015. After that date, all homeowners and landlords with properties that house six residential units or less and that have fuel-fired appliances, a fireplace or an attached garage must have carbon monoxide detectors installed. These detectors must be installed near all sleeping areas.
carbon monoxide detectors mandatory
Carbon monoxide is a by-product of incomplete combustion. It is often created when burning fuels such as natural gas, kerosene, propane, heating oil, coal and other fuels. It is colourless, odourless and tasteless, but it can cause very serious health issues. Health problems that can be caused by carbon monoxide include dizziness, flu-like symptoms, nausea, confusion, burning eyes and loss of consciousness. It can even lead to brain damage and death, in severe cases.

Carbon monoxide easily mixes with air and can quickly move throughout a home. In many cases, people are unable to tell that there are high levels of carbon monoxide in the air until it is too late.

This is why the government moved to make carbon monoxide detectors mandatory. Without a carbon monoxide detector, you may not notice potentially deadly levels of carbon monoxide in your home. The Ontario government recognizes this and this is the reason for requiring carbon monoxide detectors in all homes. Buildings that have more than six units will have until October 15 to comply, but individual homeowners must have them installed by April 15.

With Carbon Monoxide Detectors Mandatory, What Can You Do?

Now that the Ontario government has made carbon monoxide detectors mandatory, you will need to install at least one in your home. SafeTech Alarm Systems recommends installing monitored carbon monoxide detectors for additional safety. While non monitored carbon monoxide detectors make a noise when high levels of carbon monoxide are detected, a monitored carbon monoxide detector is watched over by a central monitoring station. This can be incredibly helpful since the station can take action to alert residents if they are not home or if they are unable to hear the alarm. If the station is instructed to do so in advance, station staff can even contact emergency authorities (such as the fire department or paramedics) right away. Homeowners with a monitored carbon monoxide detector can take comfort in the fact they will know if the dangerous gas is present before they enter their home.

With carbon monoxide detectors mandatory, it’s important that you install the right one.

Carbon Monoxide Special: SafeTech will install a carbon monoxide detector in your home at 50% off our regular price until May 31, 2015.

*With purchase of standard 36 month monitoring agreement from $28.95 per month. Talk to a SafeTech Loss Prevention Expert for more information.