SafeTech’s Peace of Mind publication includes security tips from SafeTech’s loss prevention experts as well as in-depth statistical crime reports and facts on safety and security. Here are some tips on teenagers safety.

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Teenagers Safety Tips

We typically focus our worries and concerns on young children, especially when it comes to safety and security. We often think of teenagers as mature enough to look after themselves and the fact that they don’t seem to want our help makes it even more difficult to be involved in their safety.

However, it is important that you go over some teenagers safety tips. Here are a few quick teenagers safety tips that will help keep teenagers safe and secure.

If your teenagers are staying home alone, make sure you go over some basic safety tips with them before you leave. It may seem like they’re too old to hear these tips, but it’s very important to ensure that they act safely. Tell them about the dangers of letting strangers into your home and make sure they know that in no situation should a strange person be allowed inside the house. In order to improve teenagers safety, it’s also important to go over fire safety tips and to have a plan for an emergency.

If you have teenagers that are now able to drive, a whole new group of safety concerns must be addressed. It’s important to always follow the rules of the road (such as speed limits) and make sure that your teenager understands the importance of seatbelts. Also, you should set a limit for the number of people that are allowed in the car at one time. An overcrowded car can be distracting to the driver and very dangerous. Some regions even have laws that limit the number of people in the car with a teenage driver. Follow our teenagers safety tips.

Another major driving distraction is texting. Texting or using a mobile device in any way while driving is illegal in many areas because it is incredibly dangerous. It is important that you teach your teenage drivers the importance of staying focused on the road while driving. Leading by example is a good place to start. Talk to your kids about teenagers safety.

Drinking and driving (as well as drinking in general) is very dangerous for teenagers. Under no circumstances should your teenager feel that it is okay to drink and drive. Let him or her know that it is always better to call for a ride home or to take a cab than it is to drink and drive. Also, make sure your teenagers know that they should never get into a car if the driver has been drinking. Let them know that they can always call home for help.

The Internet is another place where teenagers can get into serious trouble. Many teens spend a large portion of their time online and teenagers often share personal details on the Internet. Let them know that some people can use these details to harm them. In our next issue of Peace of Mind we will have an in-depth look at Internet safety for teenagers. Read how is teenagers safety online very important.

While teenagers are not young children any longer, it’s important to understand that they can still get into dangerous situations and that sometimes they will need help. Be sure to talk with your teenagers and let them know that they can always call you for help. A phone call may be an annoyance, but it’s better than having a teenager in a dangerous situation alone.

Staying Safe & Secure While Traveling

Traveling can be an exciting, enriching and wonderful experience. By following a few quick safety tips you can make sure that you have a safe, secure and stress-free trip.

Here are a few quick safety tips for travelers:

It’s a good idea to check with the Travel Reports that are posted by your country’s government before traveling. These reports will let you know of any safety concerns and they will also inform you of any health concerns as well as list your entry requirements for that country.

Always keep your passport on you and in a safe place. Do not leave your passport in your luggage. If you luggage is lost or stolen, you could be in trouble without your passport. Do not leave your passport in your hotel room either as it could be lost or stolen there as well.

When carrying your passport on you, consider buying a special passport holder that you can wear underneath your clothing. This will prevent theft and keep your passport secure. Do not give your passport to anyone other than verified officials such as those at the airport.

Carry glasses, medication, money, valuable, personal identification and other important items in your carry on luggage if possible. You do not want to risk having these items lost, stolen or tampered with in any way.

Leave a copy of your trip itinerary with a friend or family member just in case of an emergency. Include your flight information as well as the hotel you are staying at and a contact phone number.

Make sure that you learn the laws and customs of the country that you will be visiting. You don’t want to get yourself in trouble by accident!

Five Quick Ways To Increase Security In Your Office

Whether you manage a large business or run a small proprietorship, you understand the importance of safety and security in the office. Keeping your workplace safe doesn’t have to be costly or difficult. Here are a few tips for securing your office.

Make sure you have a designated person assigned to unlocking and locking up the office each day. It can be tempting to just ask the last person who leaves each day to lock up, but there are problems with this method. The last person in the building may forget to lock up or he or she may not realize that they are the last person inside and leave without locking the door. An access control system can help keep your company secure as well.

Make sure that all guests sign in at the front desk and that they are given vistor badges so that they can be recognized when they are in your office. This will prevent strangers from entering sensitive areas.

Consider installing security cameras in your business. You’ll find that the savings you’ll receive on your insurance rates and by reducing company loss will more than pay for the cost of the cameras. If you’re interested in security cameras, please visit our security camera information page.

Remember that security in an office does not stop with physical security. Information security is incredibly important as well. Make sure that all of your employees use strong passwords for their computers and their email. When sharing company documents, make sure that you use an encrypted file format. In the event that any files somehow leave your company, they will be useless without the encryption password.

SafeTech’s 2011 City Crime Report Now Available

Protect yourself! Find out where and what type of crime is happening in your neighbourhood and your city with SafeTech’s 2011 City Crime Report. Use the 2011 City Crime Report to:
  • Determine exactly where crime is happening in Canada
  • Examine the types of crime taking place in your region and across the country
  • Compare different areas of the country on several different types of crime
  • Recognize the severity and likelihood of crime taking place in your city
  • Understand the overall crime situation in this country
Crime statistics vary drastically across the country and only by knowing the information for your region can you properly protect yourself, your family and your possessions.

SafeTech Alarm Systems has been protecting people and property for over 20 years. We have compiled crime statistics from across Canada, broken them down by province and city and presented them in a straightforward manner that will help keep you safe!·· To receive a free copy of SafeTech Alarm Systems’ Canadian City Crime Report 2011, please click here.

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