Key Tags for access control

Key tags, sometimes called fobs, are small electronic devices that serve as keys for doors run by electronically controlled proximity readers. They are a form of access control that is designed as a more modern take on the traditional key and lock.

Key tags are an easier and more practical form of access control because now you do not have to carry around various keys in a key chain; users are now able to replace many keys with one small key tag. These tags also allow employers and business owners a means of restricting who has access to certain areas and at what times.

The reliability and security of key tags

They are reliable, small and secure and are compatible with a contactless wave of proximity readers. Key tags are reliable because they will always allow access to the right people within a company. Also, unlike a traditional key and lock, these tags can be programmed to allow someone access at certain and specific times of a day. They can also be used to monitor employee attendance; this is something that a key can never do.

Get fast access with key tags

key tags Key tags are not only more reliable and secure than the traditional key and lock, but they are also a lot faster because you do not have to insert and turn into any locks. Key tags are much easier and faster to replace in the event they get misplaced. All you have to do is program them so that each key tag is compatible to the correct proximity reader. And if you ever lose it, all you have to do is go into the system deactivate the key tag. It really is that simple! Contact SafeTech today for more information on how you could get started with the new technology that is revolutionizing the nation. Call us toll free at: 1-888-939-3733 and speak to one of our customer service representatives.