Spring Fire Safety Tips to Keep in Mind

We “sprang forward” for daylight savings time recently. Did you check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors? This is an important part of spring fire safety. In many regions, working smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are the law. For example, in Ontario, every home must have a working smoke alarm installed on every level and outside all sleeping areas. This is an important part of
spring fire safety. Plus, as of last April, any home in the province that has an attached garage or a fuel burning appliance installed must also have working carbon monoxide alarms outside all sleeping areas.
It’s very important that you take the time to make sure that these systems are working correctly. A smoke detector or carbon monoxide detector can save your life.
As a general rule of thumb, it’s a good idea to test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors at least twice a year as part of your
spring fire safety plan. Doing this check when the clocks change for daylight savings time is a good idea as it’s easier to remember.
If your alarms are battery operated, make sure to change the batteries so that your alarm works when you need it. If you have a hardwired alarm, test it to make sure that it’s functioning correctly.
However, spring isn’t just a good time to check on alarms, it’s also a good time to do an overall fire safety review.
Spring is the time to get outside, enjoy the weather and to make repairs that may have been overlooked during the long winter. Here are some tips for
spring fire safety:
Focusing on Spring Fire Safety
- Visually inspect all electrical cords and outlets, both inside and outside your home. Replace worn or damaged cords and repair any outlets that may have been damaged by winter weather.
- Clean up any debris that may have built up in your yard. Once the snow melts, you might find a lot of miscellaneous debris in your yard and some of it could be hazardous.
- Cut back branches and remove dead tree limbs and grass. These are fire hazards and should be removed.
- Check your fire extinguishers and get them serviced as needed.
- Review your family’s fire safety plan and escape routes.
- Clean eaves troughs thoroughly. Make sure that you use a sturdy and reliable ladder.
- If you have a barbecue, get it cleaned and serviced. Make sure that all fuel tanks and lines are safe and replace any damaged parts before you start using it.
- Clean back any trees, bushes or other debris that could be obscuring your house number from the street. It’s important that emergency vehicles are able to easily identify your home.
For more information on what you can do to protect your home and plan for spring fire safety, please contact our experienced team. Fire detection and carbon monoxide detection and monitoring services save lives. Find out how SafeTech can protect your family and provide greater peace of mind.