home invasion - Tags - SafeTech Security https://safetechalarms.com SafeTech Alarms Tue, 05 Apr 2016 19:03:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.9 https://safetechalarms.com/images/cropped-safetech-circle-logo-32x32.png home invasion - Tags - SafeTech Security https://safetechalarms.com 32 32 Peace of Mind Volume 2-4: Home Invasion in Mississauga https://safetechalarms.com/blog/newsletter-past-issues/peace-mind-volume-2-4-home-invasion-mississauga/ Fri, 25 May 2012 11:54:01 +0000 http://www.safetechalarms.com/blog/?p=7938 A woman has been injured in a home invasion in Mississauga. She suffered minor injuries and it is currently unknown what was stolen from the home during the home invasion. The victim was at home with her three-year-old child when...

The post Peace of Mind Volume 2-4: Home Invasion in Mississauga appeared first on SafeTech Alarms.

home invasion in Mississauga. She suffered minor injuries and it is currently unknown what was stolen from the home during the home invasion. The victim was at home with her three-year-old child when four men entered her home dressed as construction workers. They wore yellow construction vests and orange helmets as part of their disguises and one man was carrying a toolbox. Police are also unsure as to whether or not the men forced their way into the home and an investigation into the crime is currently underway. The house is part of a newer development that is still under construction and thus there are often a number of actual construction workers in the area. It appears that the criminals used this fact to surprise the victim.

What We Can Learn from this Home Invasion

This incident highlights the fact that you should never allow strangers into your home regardless of how official they look. You should also be careful whenever strangers are working around your home to prevent home invasion. Criminals often pretend to work for utilities, construction companies or other services that may be working very close to your home. They do so in order to scout out your location for a possible break in and to instill a false sense of security. People are often more trusting of those who are “on the job” than they are of complete strangers who have no reason to be walking around their property. it’s not difficult to become a victim of a home invasion.

If you notice any people working around your home, telephone the organization that they claim to work for and confirm that they are legitimate workers. Do not confront them directly as they may become angry. If anyone asks to enter your home for whatever reason, you should also contact the organization that the person claims to work for. Do not open your door even a small amount for an unexpected stranger. Criminals can take this opportunity to perform home invasion. You are much safer behind a locked door than behind a door that is open a crack. Sometimes that crack is enough to compromise your security as it makes it much easier for a criminal to force his or her way in.

How to Prevent Home Invasion

It is also important that you do not reveal too much information about your living arrangements or your daily schedule. If criminals are scouting out your home, they will want to know how many people are inside the house at any given time. It is always easier to break into a home when no one is home than when many people are present. It is also easier to perform home invasion when only a single person is there. A group of criminals can often easily overpower one person. If criminals know your daily schedule and living arrangements, they will may wait to strike when you are at your most vulnerable. Make it difficult for a criminal to know who is at home by having lights that operate on timers, by leaving one or more cars in the driveway and by keeping the house looking “lived in” no matter how many people are actually present.

It’s also very important that your home has proper security features. The front door to your home isn’t just how you enter most often, it’s also the entrance that many criminals try first. Ensure that your front door is solid and that the frame and hinges can not easily be damaged. Lock all exterior doors with high-quality dead bolts. Dead bolts are much more difficult to tamper with or destroy than other locks. Install window bars on your windows to prevent criminals from entering through them.

SafeTech Alarm Systems has been protecting people and property for more than 20 years. We understand what it takes to keep your home safe. For more information and how you can protect your home and your family, please contact SafeTech Alarm Systems and speak to one of our loss prevention professionals.

SafeTech Specials

Free Alarm Installation Offer!

Outfit your home or business with this high-quality DSC 1616 Kit FREE with a 36-month alarm monitoring service agreement.

That’s right – you pay ONLY the monthly monitoring fee of $25.95 and you will enjoy the security of a fully-monitored and installed alarm system. Save money on your annual insurance bill and get peace of mind knowing you have reduced your chance of being broken into.

Please contact us for more information.

Upgrading Your Security System

You may already have a security system in your home or office. The system may be functioning properly. You may never have experienced a break-in or other issue. You may have scared off or caught a criminal in the act due to your security system. However, it is important that you do not become complacent. Security technology is continuously improving to deal with a wide variety of different·issues and to meet the modern needs of today. Security systems aren’t just burglar alarms anymore. They can protect you from a variety of different hazards and problems in a number of different ways. Upgrading your security system to meet changing needs is an excellent idea.

When someone says the words “security system” the first thing that pops to mind for most people is “alarm system.” An alarm system is a critical component of a security system, but it’s just one out of many vital components. If you have a home alarm system or a commercial alarm system, you may wish to consider adding other features to your property in order to improve your overall security. One of the best ways to do this is to add security cameras. Security cameras can catch criminals in the act and aid the police in identifying and prosecuting them. Monitored security cameras provide 24/7 protection·by an experienced and reliable central monitoring station. Internet-connected security cameras let you watch over your home from anywhere with an Internet connection. For more information, please visit our security cameras section. Security cameras are a great upgrade if you do not already have them.

Your security system can protect you from much more than just break-ins. Did you know that it’s easy to add fire protection to your home or commercial alarm system? You can add monitored fire protection to your existing security and receive 24 hour fire, smoke and carbon monoxide protection. This means that the fire department can be quickly dispatched to your home even if you are not around to hear the alarm. You won’t have to worry about suffering major damage without anyone noticing. SafeTech Alarm Systems offers monitored fire protection and monitored carbon monoxide protection services. These systems can greatly reduce the potential damage to your home and even save your life.

You can also upgrade your actual alarm system itself. Are all entrances to your home or business protected by an alarm system? Remember to include all doors and windows, including those on your second floor. Burglars know that many second floor windows are left unprotected and they will attempt to enter your home through those windows. You will also want to protect your garage door with an alarm. Not only do many garages allow direct access to your home, but they also contain tools that could be used in a break in. Upgrading your security system to eliminate these vulnerabilities will keep you safer. There are many ways to prevent home invasion.

Modern technology also allows you to monitor and control your security system via your smart phone, tablet or laptop. This means you can watch your security cameras, set your alarm and perform many other tasks from anywhere with an Internet connection. Please contact us for more details.

Impact of Last Year’s Riot Still Felt in Vancouver

The riot that broke out following the 2011 Stanley Cup Final in Vancouver caused a great deal of damage, both physical and emotional. Many stores, businesses and other properties were seriously damaged in the riot. However, recent data shows that the impact of the riot is still felt in the city.

The Vancouver Police investigation into the riot currently uses so many police resources that it has led to 9.3 per cent increase in police response times. The riot investigation involves more than 70 officers from all local police forces as well as municipal departments and the RCMP.

“We believe the slower times were a bit of an anomaly caused by the tremendous impact of the massive riot investigation that stretched resources over those months,” said police spokeswoman Const. Jana McGuinness in an email to the Vancouver Sun. Response times are expected to return to previous levels once all officers return to their original assignments.

The good news for Vancouver is that while police response times have increased, levels of violent crime fell 6.6 per cent in the first quarter of 2012. Unfortunately, property time across the city has grown by 3.1 per cent.

Security systems such as surveillance cameras and other security technologies can help reduce the amount of property crime in an area. Not only are these technologies great for catching criminals in the act, but they are also an excellent crime deterrent. Criminals do not want to be seen or heard committing crimes and installing modern security systems can do exactly that. There are many ways to prevent home invasion. A criminal would much rather not break into a home or business at all than break into one that is properly protected by a security system that includes surveillance cameras and 24 hour monitoring.

Security guard services are another great way to keep your property safe. Security guards can react to changing situations easily, often faster than the police can since a security guard is already on the scene. He or she can see exactly what is going on at your property and take the required actions immediately. A trained security guard is an excellent way to protect your business or to keep your next event secure. Contact us for more information.

Business Loss Prevention Tips

Whether you have a retail business, an office, a warehouse or any other kind of business, loss prevention is incredibly important. Both customers and employees should be aware of your company’s active loss prevention plan and know that the correct security measures in place. Just knowing that an establishment takes security seriously can often deter many criminals. SafeTech Alarm Systems has been protecting people and property for more than 20 years. We understand how important loss prevention is and know what tactics need to be taken in order to stop it.

Theft and property damage can come from a variety of different areas depending on the type of business that you run. Customers can shoplift goods from your store, burglars can break in and steal from your warehouse and even employees can become thieves, taking property from a workplace. It is important to understand all of the dangers that exist so that you can properly prepare for them.

Security cameras are an excellent way to protect your business. If they are positioned properly and regularly monitored, they allow you to watch your entire business easily and efficiently. In addition to installing surveillance cameras in areas where clients and customers have access, you will also want to place cameras in stock rooms, warehouses and other locations in your company where assets are stored.

According to the US Department of Commerce, employee theft costs businesses up to $50 billion each year. This is why it is also important to implement access control systems in your company. There should be locks on storage rooms and other sensitive areas. These rooms should only be accessible by employees who absolutely need to access the area. You should also keep a log of who enters these areas in case there is an issue. An access control system that uses key tags or key cards is an efficient and practical way to limit access to certain areas. An access control system can allow only certain employees into designated areas of a building and you can easily track which areas any employee has entered at any time. Speaking of employee theft, it is also important to have a series of checks and balances for any employees who could be working with financial data or sensitive information. You need to ensure that you can track their actions at all time in order to eliminate theft.

Electronic article surveillance is another excellent way to increase security in your business. These systems are most often noticed at retail establishment, but they are also effective in a number of different businesses. Electronic article surveillance involves attaching a security tag to inventory and installing a detection system to track the tags. This prevents staff, customers, criminals and shoplifters from removing inventory from your business without your knowledge. Once the security tag passes the detection system (which is usually located at the entrance of an establishment) an alarm will sound.

Another excellent way to secure your business is to use security guard services. Guards can either patrol your property, be stationed at a security desk or make regular rounds in a marked security vehicle in order to monitor your property for any issues or security weaknesses. A uniformed security guard either in a marked car or stationed on your property will certainly deter criminals. Furthermore, a security guard can actively monitor developing situations and react based on exactly what is happening on the ground in real time. Keep your home safe from home invasion, as well as your business. For more information on security guard services, please visit our security guards page.

The post Peace of Mind Volume 2-4: Home Invasion in Mississauga appeared first on SafeTech Alarms.

Peace of Mind: How To Prevent Home Invasions Vol 1-17 https://safetechalarms.com/blog/newsletter-past-issues/peace-of-mind-how-to-prevent-home-invasions-vol-1-17/ Fri, 22 Jul 2011 14:42:55 +0000 http://www.safetechalarms.com/blog/?p=5363 SafeTech’s Peace of Mind publication includes security tips from SafeTech’s loss prevention experts as well as in-depth statistical crime reports and facts on safety and security. In this issue, we discuss how to prevent home invasions and more. Peace of...

The post Peace of Mind: How To Prevent Home Invasions Vol 1-17 appeared first on SafeTech Alarms.

Peace of Mind publication includes security tips from SafeTech’s loss prevention experts as well as in-depth statistical crime reports and facts on safety and security. In this issue, we discuss how to prevent home invasions and more. Peace of Mind is the only way to get this exhaustive resource of security, crime, safety and loss prevention delivered to your inbox for absolutely free. Peace of Mind is the definitive resource for loss prevention advice and the most recognized and trusted authority on safety and security, just as SafeTech has established itself as the premiere loss prevention company in North America.

Prevent Home Invasions: How To Stop This Terrifying Crime From Happening To You

By: Sean O’Leary You’re sitting at home when you suddenly hear someone trying to open your front door. You jump up startled, when your side window breaks. You start to panic as someone begins to climb through your window. At the same time, your front door is kicked down. You have no where to go as you reach for the phone in a panic, desperately trying to call 911. Home invasions are terrifying and often deadly. Your home is supposed to be your sanctuary, so when someone violates that space it’s incredibly disturbing. Unfortunately, most home invasions aren’t just robberies. Armed criminals frequently terrorize, attack and even murder their victims once they get inside. Therefore, it’s crucial that you take steps to prevent home invasions. The number of home invasions in Canada increased by 38% between 1999 and 2005. Police reported approximately 2,700 home invasions nationwide in 2008. Many of these criminals were armed, often with knives and guns. A man was killed in a home invasion near Calgary, Alberta in June 2011. In May 2011, three men forced their way into a woman’s home in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and assaulted her and her son. A 16-year-old disabled girl was killed by armed criminals in a home invasion in Toronto in February 2011. A mother and two teenagers were kidnapped and forced into a car during a January 2011 home invasion in Abbotsford, British Columbia. These cases are terrifying and horrific. Thankfully, it is possible to take steps to avoid becoming a victim of a home invasion and to prevent home invasions. A monitored home security system is perhaps the most important piece of home security that you can install and an excellent way to prevent home invasions. In a home invasion situation, you may not be able to call the police yourself. Unlike standard security systems, a monitored system is watched by a 24-hour monitoring station. In the event of an alarm, the monitoring station will be able to summon the appropriate authorities to your home. It’s also important to have an alarm system that gives you the option to protect and monitor your doors and windows while allowing you to move around freely inside. Make sure you set your alarm to this mode when you’re at home. Otherwise, you’re leaving yourself unprotected and vulnerable. Of course, you should always make sure your doors and windows are securely locked. Having security cameras that are also monitored is a wise idea as well if you are trying to prevent home invasions<.u>. In the event of an emergency, the monitoring station can watch your security cameras to further analyze the situation and quickly send you the help you need. For more information on protecting yourself from home invasions and how to prevent home invasions please contact us today.

Five Quick Ways To Make Your Home Safer

Not every method of securing your home involves cutting-edge technology and elaborate security systems. In fact, there are several quick and easy things that you can do to improve the security of your property and make your home safer. Here are five quick tips: Replace your locks Strong dead bolts are the best possible way to lock your doors. Replace older and less effcient locks with new dead bolts to instantly make your home safer. Strengthen your frames Older wooden door frames and window frames are weak and they can easily be smashed, pushed in or otherwise tampered with by burglars. Replacing your door and your door frame with a stronger one (solid wood or metal is the best choice) will make it much more difficult to break. Remember the frames and hinges are crucial as well. Use Double-Pane Glass Double-pane glass windows or reinforced glass windows are much stronger than single-panes. Don’t Hide Extra Keys Outside Having an extra key stored under a floor mat or a rock seems like a good idea. Unfortunately, criminals know to check those places and will easily find your keys. It makes much more sense to have an extra key with a family member, friend or trusted neighbour. Improve Your Lighting Criminals like to hide in darkness. Having a well-lit home can offer great protection and make your house look nicer too!

Avoid Having Your Online Identity Compromised By Changing Your Password

Today we store a great deal of personal information on our computers. We use the Internet to access and modify sensitive information such as banking details. We interact with friends, family and co-workers online on a daily basis. Having a password stolen can damage all of those relationships and destroy your life in an instant. This is why it is so important to not only have a unique, difficult to guess password, but it’s also vital that you change your password if you ever feel you have been compromised. It is even more important to change your password if you use the same one for all of your computer activities. (Note: using the same password everywhere isn’t s safe practice.) If you’ve been hacked, had your password stolen, accidently let your password slip, had a virus on your computer or have had your password compromised in any way you need to change your password as soon as possible. It’s not worth taking chances. If you feel like someone may know your password, change it. It’s better to be safe than sorry. When you decide to pick a new password, choose one that is very different from your old one. Use a variety of letters, not just the most common ones. Use numbers and symbols as well, if permitted. Don’t use common dictionary words, easily identifiable personal information or anything else that would be easy to guess.

SafeTech’s City Crime Report Now Available

Protect yourself! Find out where and what type of crime is happening in your neighbourhood and your city with SafeTech’s City Crime Report. Use the SafeTech’s City Crime Report to:
  • Determine exactly where crime is happening in Canada
  • Examine the types of crime taking place in your region and across the country
  • Compare different areas of the country on several different types of crime
  • Recognize the severity and likelihood of crime taking place in your city
  • Understand the overall crime situation in this country
Crime statistics vary drastically across the country and only by knowing the information for your region can you properly protect yourself, your family and your possessions. SafeTech Alarm Systems has been protecting people and property for over 20 years. We have compiled crime statistics from across Canada, broken them down by province and city and presented them in a straightforward manner that will help keep you safe! To receive a free copy of SafeTech Alarm Systems’ Canadian City Crime Report, please click here.

What Do You Want to See?

Do you have a question, comment or story idea for “Peace of Mind”? Do you have some news regarding recent crimes or break ins? Email us and let us know!

Online Technical Support, Special Promotions and More!

SafeTech Alarm Systems website, you’ll have access to special product promotions as well! Don’t miss out on exciting deals and promotional offers! We’re always working to add and improve website features in order make our website more appealing, more functional and easier to navigate. We invite you to visit the new site and let us know what you think. Stay tuned for even more enhancements to the SafeTech Alarm Systems website over the next few months! The safetechalarms.ca online technical support features and live online help that will guide you through any issue! Now you can solve any problems you may have with your alarm system quickly, easily and without picking up the phone or waiting for a technician to arrive! We even offer live online chat with members of our technical support team if you have any questions. Visit our technical support page here.

Stay In Up-To-Date With SafeTech!

  • Stay up-to-date with the latest security news
  • Hear about upcoming events
  • Find out about new products, services and promotions first
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  • And much more!
How? It’s simple! There are many ways to stay up to date with SafeTech Alarm Systems. You can Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter, Subscribe to our Youtube Channel or get the latest news by visiting our website at www.safetechalarms.ca To contact us online, please visit http://safetechalarms.ca/contact-us.html or SafeTech Alarm System 121 Willowdale, Suite # 202 North York, ON, M2N 6A3, Canada

The post Peace of Mind: How To Prevent Home Invasions Vol 1-17 appeared first on SafeTech Alarms.

Peace of Mind: Home Invasions: An Ongoing Threat – issue 3 https://safetechalarms.com/blog/newsletter-past-issues/peace-of-mind-home-invasions-an-ongoing-threat-issue-3/ https://safetechalarms.com/blog/newsletter-past-issues/peace-of-mind-home-invasions-an-ongoing-threat-issue-3/#respond Tue, 14 Dec 2010 15:31:43 +0000 http://safetechalarms.com/blog/?p=373 SafeTech’s Peace of Mind publication includes security tips from SafeTech’s loss prevention experts as well as in-depth statistical crime reports and facts on safety and security. Peace of Mind is the only way to get this exhaustive resource of security,...

The post Peace of Mind: Home Invasions: An Ongoing Threat – issue 3 appeared first on SafeTech Alarms.

Peace of Mind publication includes security tips from SafeTech’s loss prevention experts as well as in-depth statistical crime reports and facts on safety and security. Peace of Mind is the only way to get this exhaustive resource of security, crime, safety and loss prevention delivered to your inbox for absolutely free. Peace of Mind is the definitive resource for loss prevention advice and the most recognized and trusted authority on safety and security, just as SafeTech has established itself as the premiere loss prevention company in North America.

Home Invasions: An Ongoing Threat

By: Sean O’Leary Your home is the one place where you should feel safe. It’s where you sleep at night. Where you place your prized possessions. Where your family stays. Where your children play. It’s your sanctuary. It’s your safe haven. It’s where you can put your feet up and relax. Unfortunately that’s not always the case. Criminals pray on the fact that most people let their guards down at home. They take advantage of the perceived safety of your home and the expectation you have that you’re safe. They understand that you will be less vigilant and less diligent about security when you’re resting in your own home. Criminals take this opportunity to strike. Most recently we have seen this happen in Markham, Ontario. A woman was killed and her husband was shot repeatedly in a home invasion in the town north of Toronto. There were 14 home invasions in York Region last year. Over the summer, there was a violent home invasion in Winnipeg and just recently a brutal attack took place following a home invasion in Alberta. So what can you do in order to prevent these violent, and often deadly, crimes? The first step is to secure your property. Lock all doors with deadbolts and ensure that your windows are secured as well. Bars can prevent people from climbing through broken windows. A monitored security system with surveillance cameras is a must as well. In the event of an attack, an alarm can safe your life. It’s also important to remember to stay safe, even when you’re at home.  Never allow a stranger into your house and do not open the door completely for anyone. Many home invaders will knock on your door and then force their way in once you answer. Having security cameras will capture the intruders and lead to a faster conviction.

Children and Fireplace Safety

A fireplace can be a beautiful, relaxing and romantic addition to your home. Unfortunately, it can also be a dangerous one. This is especially true if you have children. A gas or electric fireplace can get very hot very quickly. It can heat up so fast that a child may not even notice the heat before the touch it. A child can be seriously burned, even just by touching the glass or metal trim of a gas fireplace. So what can you do in order to prevent serious burns? Thankfully there are a couple of steps you can take to ensure your little ones stay safe around the fireplace.
  • Create a gate or barrier around the fireplace so that it’s difficult to touch the glass or hot metal.
  • Teach your children about the potential danger of the fireplace just like you would teach them about the stove or heater.
  • Do not leave young children unattended when the fireplace is turned on. Despite your best intentions and most informative lessons, sometimes the fire is too tempting!
By following these tips and always keeping an eye on your kids, you can make sure they’re not burned by your gas or electric fireplace. A burn can occur within several seconds, so it doesn’t take long for a beautiful, calming scene to turn into a painful one. Also, remember to keep a fire extinguisher on hand if you have a fireplace. You never know you’ll need it!

Computer Security & Safety

A large amount of personal and business information is stored on computers. Everything from company finances to banking information to passwords to client lists, and everything in between,is saved on hard drives around the world. Many people have a false sense of security when saving information on their computers. Unfortunately, information saved on a computer is incredibly vulnerable. When you think about the potential value of the data and discover just how costly, time-consuming and difficult it is to rebuild or reacquire lost data, you start to think more and more about data security. Businesses have suffered huge financial losses and some have even been forced to shut down after losing critical information. Individuals have had their bank accounts hacked into and their identities stolen due to a lack of computer security. Here are a few tips on how you can keep your computer and your data safe and secure at all times.
  • Use up-to-date antivirus and anti-spyware software
  • Do not open unknown attachments, even if they come from someone you trust
  • Keep your computer locked with a password whenever you are not using it
  • Consider encrypting data
  • Use a secure Internet browser and stay away from suspicious websites that may host viruses
  • Do not enter your password or any other personal information into a website until you are 100% sure of the site and know what the site will do with your information
  • Keep multiple copies of critical data – Despite your best intentions, computers can fail and you can lose everything. Make back-ups and store critical data in alternate locations. Have printed copies of the most important information stored in a safety deposit box off site

SafeTech’s 2010 City Crime Report Now Available

Protect yourself! Find out where and what type of crime is happening in your neighbourhood and your city with SafeTech’s 2010 City Crime Report. Use the 2010 City Crime Report to:
  • Determine exactly where crime is happening in Canada
  • Examine the types of crime taking place in your region and across the country
  • Compare different areas of the country on several different types of crime
  • Recognize the severity and likelihood of crime taking place in your city
  • Understand the overall crime situation in this country
Crime statistics vary drastically across the country and only by knowing the information for your region can you properly protect yourself, your family and your possessions. SafeTech Alarm Systems has been protecting people and property for over 20 years. We have compiled crime statistics from across Canada, broken them down by province and city and presented them in a straightforward manner that will help keep you safe! To receive a free copy of SafeTech Alarm Systems’ Canadian City Crime Report 2010, please click here.

What Do You Want to See?

Do you have a question, comment or story idea for “Peace of Mind”? Do you have some news regarding recent crimes or break-ins? Email us and let us know!

Online Technical Support, Special Promotions and More!

On the new SafeTech Alarm Systems website, you’ll have access to special product promotions as well! Don’t miss out on exciting deals and promotional offers! We’re always working to add and improve website features in order make our website more appealing, more functional and easier to navigate. We invite you to visit the new site and let us know what you think. Stay tuned for even more enhancements to the SafeTech Alarm Systems website over the next few months!

Need help troubleshooting your alarm system?

The new safetechalarms.com online technical support features and live online help that will guide you through any issue! Now you can solve any problems you may have with your alarm system quickly, easily and without picking up the phone or waiting for a technician to arrive! We even offer live online chat with members of our technical support team if you have any questions. Visit our technical support page here.

Stay In Up-To-Date With SafeTech!

  • Stay up-to-date with the latest security news
  • Hear about upcoming events
  • Find out about new products, services and promotions first
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  • And much more!
How? It’s simple! There are many ways to stay up to date with SafeTech Alarm Systems. You can Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter, Subscribe to our Youtube Channel or get the latest news by visiting our website at www.safetechalarms.com

The post Peace of Mind: Home Invasions: An Ongoing Threat – issue 3 appeared first on SafeTech Alarms.

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