SafeTech Home Alarm Monitoring & Video Surveillance Cameras

safetech home alarm monitoring A home alarm monitoring system is an excellent tool for keeping your property secure and protected at all times. Safetech home alarm monitoring ensures that you have 24-hour protection for your property, no matter where you are and what you are doing. A central home alarm monitoring station watches over your home at all times and responds to trouble conditions immediately, informing the appropriate authorities of any issues as soon as possible.

While SafeTech home alarm monitoring offers excellent protection for your home, utilizing security cameras in conjunction with home alarm monitoring services provides a whole new level of service and security.

Video Surveillance Cameras provide Verified Alarm Services For Home Alarm Monitoring

When you have security cameras installed in your home and connected to your home alarm monitoring services, you make video-verified monitoring possible. What is video verified monitoring? Simply put, this service gives the central monitoring station the ability to view live and recorded footage from your home security cameras in the event of a trouble condition.

The 24-hour home alarm monitoring station is then able to use this footage to determine precisely what took place in the moments leading up to the alarm and what is currently taking place in your home. This real time footage lets the home alarm monitoring station provide critical details to the authorities. These details can be crucial to catching the criminals.

In addition, many law enforcement agencies place a higher priority on verified calls as they are not only 100% sure that a crime is actually taking place, but they also have all of the details they need to act immediately.

Security Cameras Make Your Home Alarm Monitoring System More Effective

Combining security cameras and home alarm monitoring is an excellent way to keep your property safe. By properly utilizing these forms for security technology you can give yourself peace of mind as you will know that your home is protected at all times and that, even if a break in or other emergency does take place, the authorities will be provided all important details immediately so that they can swiftly act to solve the problem.

SafeTech home alarm monitoring systems has been protecting people and property for more than 20 years. We understand that blending different forms of home alarm monitoring is the best way to protect your home or business. Please contact us to speak with a loss prevention professional and discuss a specific home security plan that will meet your unique needs.