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  • Sat: 11am - 4:00pm
  • 1-888-939-3733

Dealer Application

Let’s Grow Our Business Together This Year

The security market place is under attack and it has not been more challenging to find and keep clients.

Large utility companies with their comparative advantage in each region are now taking significant sales away from traditional independent security companies. I believe now is the time to band together, leverage our strengths and not let these behemoths exploit our weaknesses.

The time has never been more pressing for independent dealers to reach out to one another, work together and leverage one another’s strengths and improve our bottom lines.

We invite you to work with our team. Leverage our service infrastructure instead of trying to do it all on your own. Expand into new areas of security technology and services you at present may  not offer.

We own a ULC Listed Monitoring Station and we offer pretty much every aspect of security related services available in the market place today.

Let’s talk about what you are currently selling and providing to your clients. Discover how we can help you make more money, increase your offerings and generate additional sources of security revenue.

Fill out the form. It will only take about a minute.

We will follow up with you to book a call or meeting.

Let’s discover how we can grow our businesses together in 2017.

Thank you for your consideration,


Sean O’Leary
SafeTech® Inc. President & CEO
Loss Prevention Specialist

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