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Protection Tips

Home & Business Security Protection Tips

protection tipsAt SafeTech Alarm Systems we want to help prevent your home or business from being burglarized.   We’ve been protecting people and property for 30 years.  Here are some helpful tips that can provide you and your family with some peace of mind and keep you, your family, your possessions and your business safe.

Proper Lighting Keeps Your Property Safe

Criminals do Residential Securitynot want to be seen. It is much easier to break into a dark property and stay hidden in the shadows than it is to walk through a lighted area where people will notice you. This is why many break and enters occur at night.

Lighting is an excellent way to protect your home or office.

One of the best ways to install lighting that will protect your property is to add perimeter motion-activated lights. These lights will turn on when movement is detected. Not only does this save energy, but it also can startle burglars and draw attention to anyone approaching your property. Leaving a light on all the time usually isn’t practical, but motion-activated lights are a real nuisance for anyone intent on burglarizing a home!

Securing Doors »

Home Security DoorsMost burglaries occur through a door, so it’s important to start with a good dead bolt lock.

However, it’s important recognize that’s not enough. The door frame, door and lock must work together to resist physical attack. For example, a strong lock is not effective,if the frame is not reinforced around the striking plate. Without reinforcing, the lock it can be pried open by bending the frame, or the door can be simply kicked in.

Remember a burglar isn’t concerned about damage to your property and will be much more physical than you will be when you are testing your doors.

Installing Flood Lights »

Flood Lights SecurityLighting is an excellent way to deter criminals and provide home security and business security.

Outdoor motion flood light sensors should be used to cover the outside perimeter of any house, especially windows that are next to bushes or trees.  These areas are particularly vulnerable because they shield an intruder who is trying to break-in.

Leaving a light on all the time usually isn’t practical, but motion-activated lights are a real nuisance for anyone intent on burglarizing a home!

Fire Prevention »

Fire PreventionDon’t overload your electrical circuits. (This is one of the main causes of fires.)

Keep matches and lighters out of the reach of children and don’t smoke in bed.

Keep combustibles far from grease sources and don’t accumulate oil or grease soaked rags.

You should always use a fire detection and/or smoke detection system in your home.  A monitored  fire detection system can protect your property at all times, whether or not you are home.

Preventing False Alarms »

Alarm SystemsIt’s important to instruct all users on proper operation of your alarm system.

Give them hands-on practice, but first call us to let us know you’re testing the alarm system.

Make sure your system is programmed with a Cancel Code for false alarms or have your dealer add this feature for you. Instruct all users to disarm the alarm system as soon as they cause a false alarm.

If you don’t have a siren on your system, have one installed so that users will be aware when they’ve set off a false alarm and can take action to ensure that police are not dispatched. Ensure that all users have a confidential pass-code to properly identify themselves.

Make sure you notify SafeTech Alarms of all pass-codes you want us to accept, or any you want us to delete.

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