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Security Articles

Home Alarm Systems & Monitoring Services

Home Alarm

The number of home invasions in Canada is rising at an alarming rate. In Toronto alone there have been over 60 home invasions in the last year. These home invasions most often are motivated by theft and burglary but depending on the situation a criminal finds themselves in when they enter a home it can easily escalate to assault or even murder. The most shocking statistic regarding these home invasions is that in most cases the home targeted seems to be chosen at random. This reinforces the belief that this kind of crime can happen to anyone. The best way to protect yourself from these random acts of crime is to equip your residence with a monitored home alarm system. At SafeTech we specialize in providing you with the home alarm system that will keep you and your family safe.

Home Alarm systems are the best defence

against break-ins, theft and home invasions. A professionally installed home alarm system is the most successful deterrent to criminals who have targeted your home. The home alarm systems that SafeTech carries represent the most sophisticated and state of the art security equipment available on the market. The type of home alarm system that is best for you depends on a lot of factors. The number of entry points to your home (doors and windows), the size of your home and property are all factors that need to be accounted for when shopping for a home alarm system. Through an in-depth security analysis SafeTech can outfit your home with an alarm system specifically tailored to your needs.

All of SafeTech’s home alarm systems are easy to use and capable of protecting you and your family through a series of high-tech and interconnected sensors and control units. No matter how simple or how complicated your home alarm systems is it can be controlled with a small control panel which can be installed at the entrance to your home. In addition once SafeTech has installed a home alarm system for you it will be monitored by our central monitoring station. If your alarm ever goes off they will call you to see if everything is allright, if not they will send the necessary authorities right away. home alarm systems All of our home alarm systems are designed to detect fires, floods, burglars and intrusion of any kind. When an unauthorized entry is detected, the home system will go off emitting a loud sound which notifies anyone in the house or surrounding area of the security breach. In addition the home alarm system will send a signal to the monitoring station, who as previously mentioned will contact law enforcement. In the case of fire the home alarm system will go off and alert the occupants of the house and the monitoring station will contact the local fire department. Our home alarm systems provide top notch security that is vital in the face of growing home invasions.

Home alarm systems give your home a sense of safety and security that is unmatched by any other product on the market. We have successfully installed countless home alarm systems in houses, apartments and condominiums across Canada. The installation of a home alarm system is so successful in preventing home invasions, theft and property damage that most home insurance companies will offer a discounted insurance rate to home owners who have installed a home alarm system. It is a well documented fact that homes that lack any form of home alarm system are more susceptible to break-ins and other forms of security breeches than those who are being protected by a monitored home alarm.This information alone should be enough to encourage anyone to install a home alarm system.

When choosing the home alarm system

that is right for you it is easy to get overwhelmed by the large amount of choices. At SafeTech we pride ourselves in a relaxed and easy going sales process. Our team of sales professionals will educate you on the various home alarm options available. Through a stress free approach we will make recommendations on your best security options while not pressuring you to add unnecessary upgrades. Our number one priority is to provide you with the best home alarm system for your home and your budget. If you are interested in learning more about how home alarm systems work or what home alarms systems cost please feel free to contact us today. There is no better way to protect you and your family than installing a SafeTech home alarm system.

Monitoring Companies, Toronto & Beyond

home alarm systems Home alarm monitoring provides peace of mind and protect your home, your family and your belongings. SafeTech Alarm Systems Toronto has been protecting people and property for more than 20 years. We understand what it takes to keep your property safe. There are a wide variety of different home security options available today and each of these types of security technology has its own strengths and weaknesses. The key to providing your home with maximum protection is to blend a number of different security technologies together to achieve the highest security standard possible.

Home Alarm Monitoring Protects You

One of the best ways to protect your property and keep your family and your belongings safe is with a centrally monitored alarm system. Home alarm monitoring lets you know that, no matter where you are and no matter what time or day it is, your home will be watched by a dedicated team of professionals. This keeps you safe and just the presence of a home alarm monitoring service will deter criminals.

You can relax knowing that your home is protected by a central monitoring station. In the event of a break-in or any other emergency situation, central station operators can remotely assist and contact the required authorities. This leads to a faster reaction time than a traditional alarm system and a home that is safer, more secure and better protected.

SafeTech Alarm Systems Home Monitoring Services

SafeTech Alarm Systems has been providing home monitoring to Toronto homes and homes across the continent for many years. Our central monitoring station is a fully-redundant and U.L.C listed station that has been providing service for almost 25 years. This monitoring partner has 7 central stations throughout Canada and the United States, which means we have the ability to monitor homes as well as businesses across North America. The main central station is located in Toronto.

Security for you and your family is our paramount responsibility at SafeTech. We understand how critical a fast response and a correct response is when there is an emergency situation and we work diligently to ensure that your home, your possessions and your family will receive the best possible protection, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. In the event of an alarm condition, our monitoring station sends the property authorities to your home right away.

Central Monitoring – Total Home Security

Did you know that home monitoring services protect you from more than just break-ins? In addition to home alarm monitoring, SafeTech Home Alarm Systems Toronto also offers fire monitoring and sprinkler monitoring to keep you protected from fires and other disasters. These services give you the peace of mind knowing that your property will be protected wherever you are. You’ll be free to go on vacation and spend time away from home without constantly worrying about your property. With our fire monitoring service and our sprinkler monitoring services, we will dispatch the fire department. In the event of a break-in, we will either dispatch the police or a private security guard service, depending on your preference. If your home is equipped with monitored security cameras, we can verify the situation with video monitoring to reduce false alarms and to respond to the situation more accurately. Remote home alarm system monitoring combined with security cameras gives central station operators the ability to conduct real-time visual inspections and real-time audio communication with the property that they are monitoring.
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Alarm System Technology Improvements

Alarm System Technology that Secures Your Life

When you install alarm system technology on your property, you are protecting your home or business from theft, vandalism and a variety of other crimes. However, modern technology has made the alarm system much more powerful and much more useful than it has ever been in the past. alarm system technology Many years ago, an alarm system simply rang or made some other type of audible noise in order to alert the criminal and anyone nearby that the break-in had been detected. Many people still believe that this is what an alarm system does. However, modern alarm system technology does so much more.

Modern Alarm System Technology

When you install alarm system technology today, you have many more options than you once did in the past. One of the most secure ways to protect your property is to have your alarm system monitored by a 24-hour central monitoring station. Monitored alarm system technology means that, in the event of a break-in or other emergency situation, the central station will immediately be informed of the issue. The station will then contact the property owner or the appropriate authorities to deal with the situation.

This greatly increases the likelihood of a criminal being caught in the act. The central monitoring station can even monitor your security cameras. With smart home monitoring, you security set-up becomes more than just an alarm system. Smart home monitoring lets you to remotely activate and deactivate your alarm system from any location with an Internet connection. It also allows you to view footage from your security cameras. Plus, the system can be set up to send you alerts for a wide variety of situations. You can receive a text message or a photo alert whenever the front door is opened, for example. Not only does this allow you to catch a criminal as he or she attempts to enter your property, but you can also use the system to send you alerts when your children arrive home from school, for example. This provides great peace of mind.

You can also use a smart system to control your lights, heating, air conditioning and a number of other systems in your home from a mobile phone or any Internet-connected device. As you can see, alarm system technology has changed with technology and it now provides many different features and ways to secure and simplify your life.
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CCTV Surveillance Camera Technology

CCTV Surveillance Camera for your home or business

cctv surveillance camera CCTV surveillance camera is the transmission of a signal to a specific place through video camera. They are used to surveillance areas such as a home or business, office, hotels, schools and vehicles. They may either be overt or discreet, and they are used for the purposes of documentation, surveillance and crime deter.

Installing a CCTV surveillance camera in your home or business will ensure crime prevention and detection. They are very affordable, easy to install, and require low-maintenance. CCTV surveillance camera systems will ensure that your home or business be protected against theft and intruders, even when you are not around. They are simple and practical, and they will document important information when you need it.

Feel safe with a CCTV Surveillance Camera

Whether you are using it for a home or office place, you can trust that a surveillance camera will keep you feeling safe and secure, even when you are not around. These high-tech video surveillance systems will give you vital, accurate and detailed information on whatever it records. Unlike eye witness testimony, a CCTV camera is not biased and it captures the absolute truth. You cannot always trust the people around you, but you can trust a CCTV surveillance camera to document truthful information in the event of an investigation.

Types of CCTV Surveillance Camera Tools

CCTV systems provide a means of being able to actively archive, search and analyze recorded data. They can also be tailored to fit both indoor and outdoor applications. Fixed Cameras are usually visible to others to deter crime. They remain affixed in one direction at all times. PTZ are smaller and more discreet. Their features include pan, tilt, and zoom for more ground coverage and flexibility. Day and night CCTV surveillance camera systems will produce images in low-light and complete darkness. They produce black and white images in the dark and colour images in the daylight.

You can trust SafeTech to provide you with the security tools that you need to keep your property safe. From CCTV surveillance camera systems to a wide variety of other security tools, we can help. Contact us today for more!
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Fire Alarm Monitoring Systems for Your Safety

Fire Alarm Monitoring Systems For You and Your Family

Fire alarm monitoring systems offer increased protection and security for you and your family, even when nobody is around to sound the alarm. A fire can start at a moment’s notice and time is critical. In the event of a fire, you and your family’s safety is at its highest risk. Fire alarm monitoring systems offer a 24 hour immediate-response monitoring system that is fast and efficient and will automatically notify the proper authorities in the case of an emergency.

Fire Alarm Monitoring Secures Your Valuables

fire alarm monitoring systems At SafeTech, we can help solve your security needs, giving you one less thing to worry about. Our fire alarm monitoring system will be able to instantly detect a fire before anyone else even notices it. Installing our fire alarm monitoring systems into your home or office will ensure that your assets and valuables are protected round the clock. You simply cannot afford to lose important documents and personal belongings in a fire emergency.

Fire Alarm Monitoring For Your Peace of Mind

Fire alarm monitoring systems are very durable, practical, and effective. They are always at work, even when you are asleep. They are easy to install and can even lower the cost of your home owner’s insurance or company’s premium. This advanced, comprehensive  technological system detects carbon monoxide and smoke abnormality levels and instantly sends a signal to a signal receiving center, where an operator will notify the proper authorities. Safety is everyone’s priority, and at SafeTech, we take your safety seriously. Give us a call toll free at 1-888-939-3733 and speak to one of our customer service representatives on how to get started with your fire alarm monitoring system.

Trust Fire Alarm Monitoring to work for you

Fire alarms are excellent because they notify you when a fire has been detected, but somebody has to sound the alarm. With SafeTech’s Fire Alarm Monitoring, we do all the work for you!
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Systems Security Services

Systems Security Services for Home or Business

systems security services SafeTech Alarm security tools allow you to protect your home or business. Utilizing a wide variety of different technical systems, security can be improved in just about any location. Regardless of your unique situation, you need to ensure that you are protected. Crime does happen and having the right SafeTech Alarm Systems security services will ensure that you, your valuables and your property stays safe. There are a number of components to any strong protection plan. When you work with SafeTech Alarm security team, you are trusting our years of experience and working with loss prevention professionals who have the skill, knowledge and experience to reduce crime and loss on your property.

SafeTech Alarm Systems Security

SafeTech Alarm Systems security tools are varied and can be customized to work in your unique situation. Our team understands the incredible importance of utilizing technology effectively to ensure that your home or business is secure. SafeTech Alarm systems security services are used to protect a wide variety of businesses from retail stores to office buildings to restaurants as well as private homes. We understand that security protection is not a “one size fits all” situation. This is why the SafeTech Alarm System security team works alongside our clients to provide detailed security solutions to each and every one of our clients. We make sure that you receive the systems & security that you need for your situation.

SafeTech Alarm Systems Security Monitoring

At SafeTech Alarm Systems security services are important. If you are looking for superior protection, you can find it with monitored alarm security tools. Connecting your alarm systems and security technology to a 24-hour monitoring station ensures that your home or business will be watched over by an experienced team at all times. Should your alarm sound or a trouble condition develop at your property, the SafeTech Alarm Systems monitoring station will immediately contact the appropriate authorities. Please contact the SafeTech Alarm Systems security team to speak with a loss prevention professional.
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SafeTech Security Systems for Home & Business

SafeTech Security Systems for Home & Business

safetech security systems Safetech security systems are one of the most important tools that you can install in your home or business. Break-ins, theft, vandalism and other crimes are unfortunately somewhat common. This means that you need to protect your property. Both home owners and business owners can improve security and reduce theft and loss by installing security systems on their properties.

There are a number of different security systems available. Depending on your unique situation and the type of property that you would like to protect, a different system will work best for you. Each type of system has its own strengths and weaknesses. SafeTech security systems are incredibly versatile tools that can be adapted for a wide variety of different situations. This makes them incredibly powerful as they can protect almost any property from an array of different crimes.Security systems offer premium protection at an affordable price.

How Security Systems Work

Security systems protect properties from damage, theft and other crimes. The most basic function of security systems is that they somehow alert someone when a certain troubling condition is detected. For example, SafeTech security systems can sound an alarm when a door or window is opened while the system is activated. However, this is just the simplest application. Most modern systems are much more sophisticated and also much more effective.

For example, monitored security systems are connected to a central monitoring station. When a problem is detected on your property, the monitoring station is immediately informed. This allows for security guards or the appropriate authorities to be dispatched to your property right away. You can even install security cameras along with your alarm system for greater protection. A central monitoring station can even monitor these security cameras. This allows the station access to your cameras in the event of a break-in or other issue. The central station can use the information they acquire from the cameras to determine specific details about the situation. The station can then provide this information to the authorities for maximum effectiveness.

Your Property and Security Systems

Numerous properties around the world are equipped with security systems. The type of system greatly depends on your property as well as your unique needs. In general, business security systems will need to protect different areas at different times from different types from crime than residential security systems. Among these types of properties, there are a number of differences that are specific to each location.

When you contact SafeTech Security, you can speak directly to a loss prevention expert. You can then provide detailed information about your property in order to receive information on the type of security protection that will work best for you. Security systems are very effective ways to keep your property safe.
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Security Monitoring Services

Security Monitoring Services for Premium Protection

security monitoring services Security monitoring provides you with the peace of mind and added security that comes with having your property securely monitored for 24-hours-a-day. Whether you are looking to protect and secure a business or a residential property, security monitoring services will keep you safe and protected. A monitoring service means that your home or business is connected to a central monitoring station at all times. In the event of an issue, the station is immediately notified.

At that point, the security monitoring central station will contact the appropriate authorities right away. In some cases, these authorities will be the police or fire department. In other cases, you many want to have private guards respond instead. Security monitoring services make reaction times quicker, so that criminals have less opportunity to escape. These versatile systems can be installed in a wide variety of different properties, making security monitoring incredibly effective.

Using Security Monitoring Services

Security monitoring services can stop criminals in their tracks. While other types of alarm systems require someone nearby to hear the alarm and react, security monitoring services ensure that you will always receive a quick, appropriate response to every trouble condition. As soon as the central station is alerted to your situation, they will respond and react. This fast reaction time makes monitored security services incredibly effective.

You can even have the security monitoring station watch over your video surveillance cameras. Doing so provides the station with the unique ability to find out more information about a crime as it is taking place. Upon being alerted to a trouble condition, the central station can access your cameras and not only see live footage of what is currently taking place in your property, but the security monitoring station can also rewind the footage to see what happened just before the alarm sounded. These critical details can then be provided to authorities as they arrive. Not only does this greatly assist those responding to the situation, but it also greatly reduces false alarms.

How Security Monitoring Keeps Properties Safe

When authorities not only know that the situation they are responding to is real, but when they also have access to important details about the crime, they will naturally respond with greater urgency. They will also be much more likely to be effective in stopping the criminal. This is just one of the ways that security monitoring keeps your property safe. You can trust security monitoring services to provide your home or business with the best possible protection.

Contact SafeTech Alarm Systems for more information on security monitoring. Our team of loss prevention professionals will be happy to speak with you about your unique situation and help you see how security monitoring services can protect your specific property from damage, loss, fire, theft and a number of other issues.
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Home Security from SafeTech

Home Security: Effective & Affordable

home security Home security sounds difficult, confusing and expensive to some people. However, that doesn’t have to be the case. Installing a home security system on your property can be convenient and affordable. It will also protect your home in a number of ways. Protecting your property with security technology is an important topic that should not be overlooked for any reason.

Unfortunately, crime takes place. Burglaries, robberies, home invasions, vandalism and other crime all occur. A proper home security plan ensures that your home, your family and your property is protected in the event of an emergency or crime. Security for home isn’t something that can only be properly utilized by the rich either. Homes of all shapes and sizes can have effective protection tools and plans in place. It is quick, easy and surprisingly affordable to secure your home.

Choosing a Home Security System

Each home is different and, therefore, each home security plan should be different as well. For example, if you have a number of ground floor windows, you will need to utilize a home security plan that takes this into account. If any of your entrances are positioned in a location where they cannot easily be seen by passersby, you will need to account for this as well. Larger properties will require different security and surveillance tools than smaller properties and so on. The power of a home security system comes from its flexibility. No matter where you live or what your property is like, you can find a home security solution that meets your needs.

Feel free to contact the security experts at SafeTech. Our loss prevention team will work with you to ensure that your design works best with your property as well as install a home security system that best meets your unique needs.

Why do you need Home Security?

There are a number of reasons why you would need a security system installed in your home. One typical example is a break-in or robbery. Criminals often look for unprotected properties that do not have security systems installed when scouting out locations to strike. Just having appropriate security can deter these criminals. They would rather strike a location where their crimes will go unnoticed than one where they will likely be caught in the act.

This is just one of the ways that having adequate protection installed in your home will keep you safe. Your home is a your own. It should be a place where you can rest, relax, enjoy yourself and spend time with loved ones without worrying about crime. Properly protecting your home from intruders, criminals, vandals and burglars goes a long way to keeping your home safe and secure.

A security set-up at home can involve a number of different aspects. From burglar alarms on exterior doors to motion detectors inside and outside the home to surveillance cameras, window bars, security gates and more, there are a number of different aspects to a successful home security plan. When you find the home security set-up that works best for you, you’ll be going a long way to protecting your home, your loved ones and your valuables.
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