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Security Articles

Alarm Systems Protect Businesses
alarm systems protect businessesAlarm systems are an excellent way to protect both homes and businesses. However, the strategies for how to use these tools to improve how alarm systems protect these different types of properties are not the same. A major reason for this is the nature of how both types of properties (and the people within them) function. For example, most businesses have operating hours. These hours are when the business is open and closed. Since many companies have long periods of time where they are closed, a different strategy is needed to protect these properties with alarm systems. In addition, many business are “open to the public” during work hours. A member of general public isn’t likely to walk into your home without advanced notice, but this happens frequently at a business property. These differences show the difficulties in protecting businesses using alarm systems and other technologies. However, it’s important to note that alarm systems are great for protecting businesses if you properly consider the possible security weaknesses of the business when you are installing your security set up.

Alarm Systems Protect Properties

One important thing to remember is that while alarm systems protect properties, they don’t just catch criminals after they’ve committed a crime. They also prevent crime by deterring criminals from even attempting to strike a property. How do they do this? Simply put, criminals do not want to be caught. They know that breaking into a property that has alarm systems installed with increase the likelihood of them being caught. Therefore, they are much less likely to attempt to break in to a property that has alarm systems and other security tools. They don’t want to take that risk.

Using other Security Tools alongside Alarm Systems

Another strong point how alarm systems protect locations is that they can be used in conjunction with other security tools. By successful combining different types of security technologies together, you can increase the effectiveness of the system. For example, you can install security cameras alongside alarm systems to provide another layer of protection.
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Home Security Alarm Technology to Fight Crime
There are a number of ways to use home security alarm technology systems to protect your home, your belongings and your family. However, if you wish to get the best possible protection out of your home security alarm set-up, you will need to ensure that you install the right tools and that you install them in a configuration that allows them to provide superior security. Combining a home security alarm with other forms of security technology is the key to protecting your property. At SafeTech Alarm Systems, we have been successfully combining different types of security technology together to reduce crime for more than 20 years.

Home Security Alarm Technology

home security alarm technology When you properly combine home security alarm technology with other types of security tools, you increase the effectiveness of the entire system. For example, while a home security alarm will provide a certain degree of protection, combining that alarm with other security tools such as security cameras, bars and gates, motion detectors and other forms of technology can provide greater protection. How you combine these different technologies is also important. Home security alarm systems need to be properly installed and configured in order to maximize their benefits. You will want to install a system in a way that protects your entire property and so that it does not leave any weaknesses for criminals to exploit.

Combining Security Technology with Home Alarm Systems

When you install a home security alarm system, your goal is to reduce or eliminate the likelihood of a crime taking place on your property. A properly-installed home security alarm set-up will ensure that all entrances are protected. For example, while some alarm companies only install systems that protect the front door, SafeTech understands that you can greatly improve the effectiveness of the home security alarm setup by protecting all doors and windows. Installing motion detectors at all entry points will ensure that any criminal who tries to break in will be spotted immediately. Security cameras and lighting are also key. Criminals do not want to be seen committing their crimes and installing surveillance cameras as well as appropriate lighting is an excellent way to catch them in the act. A home security alarm technology is important, but properly combining this system with effective tools ensures even greater safety and security.
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Security Alarm Systems Deter Criminals
There are a number of benefits to security alarm systems. These systems can be used to protect homes and businesses of all shapes and sizes from a wide variety of different threats. Burglar alarm systems are all different. They vary depending on the particular property and depending on which security services the property owner chooses to have installed. Security alarm systems can consist of audible alarms, security cameras, motion detectors and a number of other security tools. They can even be protected by 24-hour monitoring stations.

Security Alarm Systems are a Deterrent

security alarm systems One common benefit to nearly all types of burglar alarm systems is that they act as a crime deterrent. Criminals understand that burglar alarm systems are powerful tools that can be utilized by property owners and authorities to catch criminals in the act and to punish them for their crimes. For example, security cameras provide video footage that gives authorities the ability to identify criminals and to determine exactly what happened at a crime scene. This makes it much more likely that a criminal will be arrested, charged and convicted for his or her crime. This example is just one way in which burglar alarm systems deter criminals. Criminals obviously do not want to be caught committing crimes and thus they will avoid properties that have effective security alarm systems installed.

Types of Security Alarm Systems

There are a number of different aspects to successful security alarm systems. Not only is it important to ensure that you have all of the right types of technology installed, but it is also important that the system is installed correctly and that all security weaknesses on the property are protected. This includes protecting all possible entry points, including windows. One of the most effective types of burglar alarm system is one that is watched over by a 24-hour monitoring station. These security alarm systems are connected to a central station. The station is immediately alerted if there is a trouble condition at the property and the staff members at the central station then take appropriate steps. These steps often include contacting the property owner or the appropriate authorities. Security alarm systems are a very effective way of stopping crime.
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Alarm System Tips to Improve Security
Whether you own a home or a business, an alarm system is a critical tool for protecting your property. Criminals do not want to be caught in the act of committing a crime. They would much rather stay hidden than have anyone know that they are attempting a break-in. An alarm system takes this away from them. When properly installed and activated, a good alarm system alerts the property owner, people nearby and – in some cases – even the authorities that a crime is taking place. You can use an alarm system to protect your home or business property. Here are a few alarm system tips for improving security.

Alarm System Tips: Monitoring

alarm system tips An alarm system can be monitored to provide greater protection. When your alarm system is watched by a monitoring station, it means that no one will be able to break into your property without the appropriate authorities being notified. The way security monitoring works is that the system is connected to a central monitoring station. The station remotely watches the system for trouble conditions. As soon as the central station becomes aware of the issue, staff at the station react immediately.

Depending on what the customer requested, the central station can contact the property owner, a private security guard company or even the police when an alarm sounds. 24/7 monitoring is just one way that you can make your alarm system even more effective.

Combining an Alarm System with Surveillance Cameras: More Alarm System Tips

Another one of our most useful alarm system tips is to make an alarm system more effective is to combine it with surveillance cameras. Security cameras are able to capture details associated with a crime that increases the likelihood of the criminal or criminals involved being caught. Video evidence is incredibly powerful and criminals understand this fact. They will often avoid a property that has video surveillance cameras installed due to fear of being caught in the act.

Combining your alarm system with security cameras and 24-hour monitoring creates a very powerful security tool that you can use to effectively protect your home or business. SafeTech specializes in combining a variety of security tools together in order to stop break-ins, damage and vandalism. When you use your alarm system effectively and in this manner, it is incredibly effective. We understand how to use alarm system tips effectively to make your property safer.
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Home Alarms Advantages for Families
Home alarms are critical for protecting your property, your belongings and – most importantly – your family. There are a number of home alarms advantages. By using home alarms effectively, you can keep your family safe and secure at all times.

Here are a few tips for getting the most from your security tools.

Home Alarms Advantages for Superior Security

home alarms advantages One of the main home alarms advantages is that they can protect your entire home if they are utilized properly. However, utilizing them properly is key. You want to make sure that your home security system is set up in a way that it can effectively protect your entire home. While many criminals try to break down front doors in order to get into a home, there are still a number of other ways that criminals can enter.

This means that it is important to properly secure all entry points. Back doors, side doors and windows should also be protected by home alarms. If you have motion detectors installed, you should ensure that you are watching these areas in addition to the front door. Don’t forget about entry points on the second floor as well. Criminals often climb trees, garages and other items in order to gain access to the second floor of a house. They know that, in many cases, home alarms, monition detectors, surveillance cameras and other security tools are not installed on the second floor. Make sure to consider all of the home alarms advantages.

Using Home Alarms Effectively

Another important tip is to turn your alarm system on when you need it. Sometimes people leave the house for only a short time, leaving their home alarms disabled. This can lead to a break-in. Criminals often scout locations and time their crimes for when they know a person will be away. If you leave your house every afternoon to pick up your kids from school, you may not enable your home alarms if you think the trip will only be a short one. However, even if you’ll only be gone for 20 minutes, that’s long enough for a criminal to strike. You should turn on your alarm. Always ensure that all security tools (such as home alarms) are properly enabled every time you leave your home.
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Five Frivolous Criminals: Don’t Do This at Home
criminalsEveryone loves a dumb criminals. Perhaps we appreciate the poetic justice of bad guys getting caught via their own idiocy, or perhaps it’s the entertainment value of watching them take a fall. Whatever the reason, it is the rare person who doesn’t enjoy reading about busted brigands, so hold onto your hat for five that take the cake.

Criminal 1: The Unobservant Users

Sure, a lot of crimes are motivated by drug use, but not many of them revolve around fake drugs. Or, to be more specific, around the cremated remains of one human and two dogs. Waldo Soroa and Matrix Andaluz, a gang of two teenaged thieves broke into a Florida woman’s house searching for a nice ride on the white roller coaster. What they got instead was an ashy surprise. They discovered that the fine dust they’d put up their noses was far from the cocaine they’d imagined it to be. Perhaps next time they’ll be more careful. Then again, the criminals weren’t arrested until they staged another robbery, so they apparently don’t learn.

Criminal 2: The Karate Casualty Criminals

It’s only in the movies that a bad guy meets an unsavory end at the hands of good guys he attacked, right? Wrong, actually, as a Colombian burglar discovered, to his chagrin, when he decided to rob a house full of black belt bad*sses. After stealing a laptop, some cameras, and other valuables, the thief targeted the home of Cristian Garces, pan-American karate champion. The thief, needless to say, came off worse.

Criminal 3: The Foolish Facebooker

Cyber crime is a big deal these days, and stopping identity theft has become a major concern for organizations like the Federal Trade Commission, which has moved it to the top of its priority list. But it still happens, sometimes in the dumbest ways imaginable. 19-year-old Rodney Knight, Jr., is one such idiot, breaking into a house to steal a computer, cash and a coat from journalist Marc Fisher. Afterwards, the criminal logged into the son’s Facebook account and posted a taunting picture of himself, complete with coat and cash. Let’s just say he wasn’t hard to catch.

Criminal 4: The Photo ID Flasher

Most criminals aren’t willing to show their faces, let alone their legal name, date of birth, address and license number. Some, however, are too stupid to know what’s good for them. One robber, entering a corner store and robbing the cashier at gunpoint, then demanded a bottle of Scotch in addition to the pilfered cash. The attendant refused, saying he didn’t think the robber was 21. Finally angered, the bandit pulled out his license and showed the cashier as proof he was of age. The cashier agreed, handing him the bottle and calling the police as soon as the robber had gone. The rest is history.

Criminal 5: The Ecstatic Escapee

Most people who’ve successfully gotten away with something generally fade quietly into the background of a small tropical island or South American village. Not Craig Lynch, who escaped from a prison in Suffolk, England in September 2009. Apparently the thrill of the chase was enough to make Lynch risk recapture: he spent the subsequent 4 months posting clues as to his whereabouts on Facebook seemingly just waiting to get caught, which he eventually was. The saddest part? He was almost done with his seven-year sentence, which is surely no longer the case.

by Lauren Rose

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Wireless Security System Monitoring
Protecting your property is incredibly important. Whether you are trying to secure a residential property or a commercial property, wireless security system technology is an excellent way to keep your location safe and secure. There are a number of benefits to utilizing wireless security system tools. They are convenient, easy-to-use and flexible while remaining powerful tools and strong crime prevention technology.

Why Choose a Wireless Security System?

wireless security system A wireless security system gives you an unparalleled mix of flexibility, security and stability. A wireless security system lets you control all of the security features in your home or business from a simple wall panel. Since the system is wireless, it can easily be installed, modified and upgraded as necessary.

These systems work well in just about any location, including places where running wires is difficult or not practical. With a wireless security system, you can easily and effectively keep your property safe and secure.

Depending on the model you choose, you can even integrate other functions of your home into your wireless security system. This allows you to control your thermostat, lightning and more in addition to your security system. Some wireless security system models even offer mobile access. This lets you monitor and control your home right from your smartphone or laptop!

This technology lets you watch over your property, keep your loved ones safe and stay connected to your home from just about anywhere.

Using a Wireless Security System

Using a wireless security system is simple. The system is designed to seamlessly fit into your home or business. Interactive and intuitive control panels featuring touch screen controls make the systems convenient and easy to use as well as powerful.

Please view the details of the wireless security options below to see which one is right for you:

2-Way Wireless TouchScreen Arming Station WTK5504
  • 4.3″ full color display
  • AC plug-in
  • Rechargeable batteries
  • 24 hr battery back-up
  • User programming
  • User function
  • Night light
  • Sleep mode
  • Proximity arm/disarm (WTK5504P only)
  • Voice chime/voice prompts
  • Wall and desk stand mount
  • Multi-language support
  • 3-5 year battery life
  • Tamper switch
  • Compatible with IMPASSA, ALEXOR and PowerSeries (via TR5164)
  • 5 programmable function keys
  • 3 emergency keys

IMPASSA Self-Contained 2-Way Wireless Security System SCW9057
  • Supports 64 wireless zones and 16 wireless keys (without using a zone slot)
  • Integrated HSPA (3G) cellular communicator
  • Cellular signal strength read-out to optimize placement
  • Built-in 2-way audio VOX and push-to-talk alarm communication via phone line and cellular
  • 2-way wireless support: -1 keypad, -2 sirens, – 16 wireless keys
  • Real time clock update using cellular module
  • Remote firmware upgrade via cellular
  • Easy wireless device enrollment process
  • Template programming
  • Full 32-character programmable labels
  • Enlarged keypad buttons
  • 5 programmable function keys
  • Individual FAP keys
  • 17 user codes
  • 500 event buffer
  • False alarm reduction features (CP-01)
  • Enlarged keypad buttons
  • Outdoor temperature display
  • Label Library
  • C24 Interactive Compatible
If you have any questions about wireless security system technology, or you would like to find out about the options available to you, please contact us today. We will be more than happy to discuss the available choices and help you choose the right wireless security system for your needs.
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Smartphone Monitoring lets Woman see Burglar in her Home
A Washington woman was vacationing in Sun Valley, Idaho when she got an alert on her phone. She checked the phone and was shocked to see a burglar inside her home, attempting to rob her house. This story shows how useful smartphone monitoring is. “I saw an alert on my phone. I thought it was my neighbor because my neighbor was babysitting my dogs,” Melissa, who did not want her last name used, told ABC affiliate KOMO. “It’s 5:30 in the morning. So I pull up the app and I see this guy out here and it’s definitely not my neighbor.”

How Smartphone Monitoring keeps you safe

smartphone monitoring She was able to watch the footage from inside her home thanks to smartphone monitoring and a Dropcam camera that she had installed. The camera was connected to her home’s wireless Internet connection. A smartphone monitoring application on her phone alerted her every time motion was detected in her home. This smartphone monitoring system allowed her to watch live as the criminal walked through her home gathering valuables. Melissa immediately called her neighbour who contacted the police. “I immediately called my neighbour and said, ‘Don’t go into my house!’ She thought I was joking with her,” Melissa told KOMO. “I said, ‘No, I’m serious. There’s somebody in my house right now.” Police arrived just as the burglar was leaving the home. No arrest was made, but all of the stolen items were recovered. “I always recommend to homeowners to do what they can to protect themselves and property from bad guys without putting themselves in harm’s way,” Officer Carla Iafrate, a spokeswoman for Bellevue Police, told ABCNews.com. “It seems more and more people are researching home video systems, which is always helpful for law enforcement.”

Getting Peace of Mind from Smartphone Monitoring

Smartphone monitoring for your security cameras is an excellent way to improve security. Having remote smartphone monitoring installed and functioning allows you to watch your surveillance cameras from almost anywhere with an Internet connection. Not only does it keep your property more secure, but it also adds peace of mind. You can trust smartphone monitoring.
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